
Oats Peas Beans
_6 to 60 players._ _Indoors; out of doors._ Oat...

Automobile Race
This game is to be played by the second and fifth, the first ...

All the girls sit in a circle, and the boys stand outside, ...

Household Gossip.
One of the guests is sent out of the room. The hostess ask...

This is the universal game of marbles. It is sometimes called...

Round tables can be made best of different-sized pieces of...

Poison Snake
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground._ ...

The blindfolded player is placed in the middle of the room, a...

Cracker Relay

Source: School, Church, and Home Games

Six players to a team. The players on each team sit in a row. Four
crackers are given to each player. The one on the rear of each team
starts the race by standing up and eating the crackers. When he has
eaten all four crackers and is able to whistle, his whistle is the
signal for the man next in front of him to stand up and eat his
crackers, while the first man resumes his seat. So each in turn eats
four crackers. When the last, or front man on each team is able to
whistle after devouring his crackers, the race ends.

Next: Blindfold Obstacles

Previous: Whistle Race

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