School, Church, and Home Games
SCHOOLROOM GAMES For Advanced and High School Pupils
The group is divided into two equal teams. A leader is chosen for each.
The leader of Team A begins the game by giving the name of a country
beginning with the letter "A" (Austria). The leader of Team B gives
another country beginning with "A". The second member of Team A,
another; the second member of Team B, another; until one of the teams
cannot think of any more countries beginning with "A". That team last
thinking of a country wins one point. The other members of the team can
help their team mate, whose turn it is, by suggesting other countries.
The member of the team failing to name a country beginning with "A",
starts with the letter "B" and the game continues, until one team has
won ten points. The names of rivers, mountains, states, cities, etc.,
can be substituted for the names of countries.
Seeing and Remembering
Relay Run Around
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