Fence Tag
School, Church, and Home Games
This is a simple active game which can be played where there is a low
fence or bar, over which the players may easily climb or vault. A
player is selected to be "It". He takes his place on the opposite side
of the fence from the other players and must climb or vault over and
endeavor to tag someone who fails to get over the fence in time. "It"
cannot tag anyone whose feet are off the ground, in an effort to get
over the fence. Neither can he tag anyone who is standing on the other
side of the fence from him. This is a very active game, as it keeps the
players leaping back and forth over the fence in an effort to avoid
being tagged. A player tagged immediately becomes "It". He cannot tag
back the one who tagged him, until after that one has a fair chance to
get on the other side of the fence.
Body Guard
Fox in Hole
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