Outdoor Sports and Games
A game played with wooden balls and mallets, on a flat piece of
ground. The game consists in driving the ball around a circuitous
course through various wire rings called "wickets" and, after striking
a wooden peg or post, returning to the starting place. Any number may
play croquet either independently or on sides. Each player may
continue making shots as long as he either goes through a wicket, hits
the peg or post, or hits the ball of an opponent. In this latter case
he may place his ball against that of his opponent and, holding the
former with his foot, drive his opponent's ball as far as possible
from the croquet ground. He then also has another shot at his wicket.
A croquet set consists of mallets, balls, wickets, and stakes and may
be bought for two or three dollars. Experts use mallets with much
shorter handles than those in common sets. They are made of either
maple, dogwood, or persimmon. In place of wooden balls, championship
and expert games are often played with balls made of a patented
composition. All croquet implements are usually painted in bright
colours. The game of "roque" is very similar to croquet.
Croquet can be made more difficult by using narrow arches or wickets.
Hard rubber balls are more satisfactory than wood and also much more
As a rule the colours played in order are red, white, blue and black.
According to the rules any kind of a mallet may be used, depending
upon the individual preference of the player.
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