Cooking Race
School, Church, and Home Games
SCHOOLROOM GAMES For Advanced and High School Pupils
This is a good game for the class in domestic science. The pupils of
each aisle constitute a team. A piece of chalk is handed to the one in
each front seat. At the signal to go, the chalk is passed back until it
reaches the one in the last seat in the row. Every one in the aisle
must have handled the chalk in passing it back. Upon receiving it, the
last one in the row runs forward to the board and writes thereupon an
ingredient necessary in the making of cake. Returning, the chalk is
handed to the one in the front seat and again passed back until it gets
to the one in the next to the last seat, who rushes to the board and
writes another ingredient necessary in cake making. And so the race
continues. When the last pupil at the board, namely the one from the
front seat, has written upon the board and returned to her seat, the
race is ended. The race is won by the aisle first completing this task.
Spelling Game
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