Apple Race No. 4
School, Church, and Home Games
A peach basket is placed opposite each team and ten feet beyond the
distance line. The first member of each team is handed a good sized
apple. At the signal to go he runs forward to the distance line, and
standing behind the same, endeavors to toss the apple into the basket.
Failing to do this, he may run forward and recover the apple, but must
return to the distance line in his endeavor to toss the apple into the
basket. When he has succeeded in tossing the apple into the basket, he
picks the apple out of the basket and runs back, handing it to the next
member on the team, who does the same as he did. The race continues
until the last member of the team has properly tossed the apple into
the basket, recovered it and has run across the base line.
* Stones may be used in place of apples in these races.
Apple Toss
Apple Race No. 3
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