
The Little Dog
The players form a ring, leaving one outside, who passes roun...

Ring Taw
This is played in the following manner:--A circle should b...

To play arches, the players must be provided with a board ...

On reaching the farm, it is well to make a journey of discove...

Corner Ball
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ ...

Any number of couples may compete in this game. Arrange two f...

Penny Wise
The players are provided with a bright new penny, a piece of ...

Parlor Football
In this game goals are set up at each end of the room, the pl...

A Luncheon In White And Yellow

Source: Games For All Occasions
Category: EASTER

Use a large plateau or mirror for the centerpiece, in the center of
which lay an irregular piece of real (or artificial) moss about one-half
the diameter of the plateau (to represent an island.) Stick a few sprays
of asparagus and maidenhair fern in it and a number of white and yellow
spring flowers--the crocus, jonquil, daffodil, daisy and snowdrop. Cut
the stems of the flowers in various lengths to give a better effect.
Place a few (artificial) little fluffy chickens on the island and
several downy ducklings in the surrounding lake (mirror.) Or use a vase
of jonquils and daffodils for a center piece.

Place cards may be made by cutting bristol board into egg shape or oval
pieces. On a portion of this card spread some mucilage and sprinkle
yellow sand over it. Then stand a tiny yellow chick (these are made of
wool and can be purchased very cheap) on the sand (using glue) and close
behind it glue the small end of an egg shell. Similar cards can be
purchased all ready decorated.

Serve a grape fruit cocktail first. Cut the grape fruit in half, take
out the fruit in as large pieces as possible, place in a bowl with the
juice. Mix with this a small amount of white grapes, halved and the
seeds removed, and a portion of pineapple canned or fresh cut in small
pieces and some of the juice or syrup from the pineapple. Add a little
sugar and angelica wine if desired. Remove the pulp from the grape
fruit, fill each half with the mixture and serve on doylie covered

For a relish use celery, white radishes, small yellow tomato pickles or
pickled white grapes.

The meat course consists of creamed chicken, creamed sweetbreads and
creamed veal. Carefully cut about one-third of the shell off the top of
as many eggs as needed. Remove egg and fill shell with the hot creamed
meat, (use three shells for each plate, each having a different filling)
and replace top of shell.

Form shoestring potatoes into a nest on a serving plate and place the
stuffed eggs in the nest. (Tap the filled egg slightly on the end,
indenting but not breaking it and the egg will easily stand on end.)

Or make a nest of mashed potatoes pressing it through a fruit press or
potato ricer and place in the center of it meat croquettes, oval shaped
and very delicately browned.

Bread sticks or tiny rolls tied with white and yellow ribbon. Mould the
butter into the shape of an egg.

Escalloped corn in ramikins.

Salad of California Asparagus tips on bleached lettuce leaf: Place a
ring of hard boiled eggs around the stem end of asparagus (slice hard
boiled eggs cross-wise, remove the yolk and thrust the ends of asparagus
through the white part) serve with French dressing.

If ice cream is to be served on plates, have vanilla and orange flavors
packed in a tubular mold, the orange in the center and the vanilla
around the outside so that when cut it has the appearance of a slice of
hard boiled egg.

If the cream is served in glasses have the two colors moulded in the
form of an egg.

Serve lady fingers and egg kisses, or angel food and sunshine cake.

At each place have salted almonds in a yellow egg shell cup. Color the
eggs a rich yellow, cut off about one-third of the top and remove
egg--use the larger portion of the shell, mash the end a trifle and glue
to a small oval paste board.

Bon-bons consist of small jelly eggs, white and yellow in a tiny basket
at each place.

The favors are Easter bonnets which the guests are asked to wear.
(Procure small doll hats of various styles profusely trimmed with
flowers of white and yellow and place a common white hat pin in each

Next: An Easter Bonnet Party

Previous: Easter

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