Your House, My House
School, Church, and Home Games
A piece of string about three feet long is tied to the end of a slender
stick of about the same length. A slip knot is tied in the end of the
string. A loop about two inches in diameter is made with the slip knot
on the top of the table. All of the players excepting the one holding
the stick then place the point of their index fingers on the table
within the loop. The one holding the stick, as a fish pole says, "Your
house" or "My house". If he says "My house", he jerks the stick
endeavoring to capture the forefinger of any of the players. He does
not jerk the stick when he says "Your house". He endeavors to fool the
others by saying abruptly, "Your house", several times before saying
"My house" and pulling the string. The player avoiding being caught
next takes the stick.
Catechism of States
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