String Winding Race
School, Church, and Home Games
Those seated at one side of the table compete against those on the
opposite side. A ball of string is given to the two players sitting
opposite each other at one end of the table. At the signal to go the
two players maintaining their hold on the loose end of the string pass
the ball to the players next to them. Each player must hold the string
in one hand and pass the ball on, unwinding it, as it progresses to the
next player. When the ball has reached the last player he immediately
starts rewinding the ball. When he has wound up his share, he passes it
back to the next, who continues the winding. By the time the ball has
returned to the player at the head of the table, it must be entirely
wound. The team first succeeding in accomplishing this, wins the race.
The string must be wound upon the ball and not snarled.
Name Writing Race
Spearing Peanuts
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