
Laying The Breakfast-table
1. SPREAD the cloth--this is the way, Cups and saucer...

Under The Cuckoo's Nest
_5 to 30 players._ _House party; out of doors._ One p...

Hopping Game
Squares are chalked on the ground, thus:-- [Illustration: ...

Fourth Of July
Fire crackers and fire works seem to have first place in the ...

The House
A dolls' house can be made of almost any kind of box. For the...

Basket Ball Distance Throw
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ ...

Collecting Jones's
In Mrs. Meynell's book, The Children, one little girl on her ...

The group is arranged in seats around the room. "It" takes a ...


Source: Outdoor Sports and Games

A game played with flattish malleable iron or rubber rings about nine
inches in diameter and convex on the upper side, which the players
endeavour to loss or pitch so that they will encircle a pin or peg
driven into the ground, or to come nearer to this peg than their
opponents. The peg is called a "hob." A certain form of quoits is
played with horseshoes throughout the country districts of America. A
quoit player endeavours to give the quoit such a position in mid-air
that it will not roll but will cut into the ground at the point where
it lands. The game is remotely similar to the ancient Greek game of
throwing the discus. Iron quoits may be purchased for a dollar a set.

The average weight of the quoits used by experts is from seven to nine
pounds each. Sixty-one points constitute a game. The distance from the
peg shall be either 10, 15 or 18 yards. For a space three feet around
the pin or peg the ground should be clay. In match games, all quoits
that fall outside a radius of 18 inches from the centre of the pin are
"foul," and do not count in the score.


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