
The shopman should stand behind a table or desk, and have art...

Ten Trips
_6 to 21 players._ _Playground._ _Baseball; tennis ba...

The group is arranged in seats around the room. "It" takes a ...

Perplexing Hunt
In this game the seeker for a prize is guided from place to p...

The Opening Ceremony
The two Judges rise in their places. The north side Judge hol...

Running Broad Grin
Have each competitor grin as broadly as possible. The judges ...

Improbable Stories
Another story game is one in which each player attempts to te...

Line Club Bowls Single
_; _Center Club Bowls_; _Circle Club Bowls_.) _2 to 6...


Source: Outdoor Sports and Games

This game is played with a penknife. A piece of turf is usually the
best place to play. Various positions for throwing the knife are tried
by each player, following a regular order of procedure, until he
misses, when the knife is surrendered to the next in turn. When he
receives the knife each player tries the feat at which he failed
before. The last player to accomplish all the feats has the pleasure
of "pulling the peg," The peg consists of a wedge-shaped piece of wood
the length of the knife blade which is driven into the ground by the
back of the knife and must be pulled by the teeth of the unfortunate
one who was last to complete the necessary feats. The winner has the
honour of driving the peg, usually three blows with his eyes open and
three with them closed. If he succeeds in driving it out of sight the
feat is considered especially creditable and the loser is greeted with
the cry, "Root! Root!" which means that he must remove the sod and
earth with his teeth before he can get a grip on the peg top. There
are about twenty-four feats or "figures" to be gone through in a game
of mumblety peg, throwing the knife from various positions both right
and left handed. In each feat the successful result is measured by
having the knife stick into the ground at such an angle so that there
is room for two fingers to be inserted under the end of the handle
without disturbing the knife.



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