
This game is played with smooth stones about the size of a bu...

Ten Trips
_6 to 21 players._ _Playground._ _Baseball; tennis ba...

Donkey Solo
This is a good game to follow immediately after the Barnyard ...

The Jolly Miller
The one who shall be "it" is decided upon by counting out (se...

A Water-cutter
The cut-water is best made of tin or lead, but stout cardb...

Duck Under The Water
Each child chooses a partner and stands opposite to her, so t...

Jumping Relay Race
_10 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; scho...

Take Away
The group is divided into two teams. One team is given a ball...


Source: Games for Halloween

A maid and youth each places a chestnut to roast on fire, side by
side. If one hisses and steams, it indicates a fretful temper in owner
of chestnut; if both chestnuts equally misbehave it augurs strife. If
one or both pop away, it means separation; but if both burn to ashes
tranquilly side by side, a long life of undisturbed happiness will be
lot of owners.

These portentous omens are fitly defined in the following lines:

"These glowing nuts are emblems true
Of what in human life we view;
The ill-matched couple fret and fume,
And thus in strife themselves consume;
Or from each other wildly start,
And with a noise forever part.
But see the happy, happy pair,
Of genuine love and truth sincere;
With mutual fondness while they burn,
Still to each other kindly turn;
And as the vital sparks decay,
Together gently sink away;
Till life's fierce trials being past,
Their mingled ashes rest at last."


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