
Look Out For The Bear
All of the players hide their eyes, except one, who is the Be...

Newspaper Touch
Two individuals are instructed to stand upon a sheet of newsp...

Candle And Apple
At one end of stick 18 inches long fasten an apple; at the ot...

Initial Compliments.
Each gentleman is handed a slip of paper with the name of a...

Tableaux Vivants
"Tableaux Vivants" are a change from acting, but they need, i...

My Thought
The players sit in a row or circle, and one, having thought o...

Blind Chariot Race
Several teams can be used in this race. The distance line is ...

Winnowing Corn
Steal out into barn or garden alone and go three times throug...


Source: Outdoor Sports and Games

Hockey is usually played on the ice by players on skates, although,
like the old game of shinney, it may be played on any level piece of
ground. The hockey stick is a curved piece of Canadian rock elm with a
flat blade. Instead of a ball the modern game of ice hockey is played
with a rubber disk called a "puck." In hockey, as in many other games,
the whole object is to drive the puck into your opponents' goal and to
prevent them from driving it into yours. Almost any number of boys can
play hockey, but a modern team consists of five players. Hockey skates
are of special construction with long flat blades attached to the
shoes. The standard length of blade is from 14-1/2 to 15-1/2 inches.
They cost from three to six dollars. The hockey player's uniform is a
jersey, either padded trousers or tights, depending upon his position,
and padded shin guards for the goal tenders.


Previous: HIGH KICK

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