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Source: School, Church, and Home Games

This game is similar to the preceding game. Three parallel lines are
made around a hollow square not less than 25 to 40 feet in dimensions.
This square is known as the fortress. A small space is marked off in
the centre of the fortress for a prison. Two captains are selected.
These two choose the members of their own teams, in turn. One team is
known as the defenders, the other as the attackers. The defending party
takes a position within the fortress and the attacking party is
scattered around the outside of the fort. Both are under the command of
their captains.

The attacking party may charge the fort as a group or may use any
tactics the captain may decide upon. He may feign an attack on one side
to draw the defenders' attention, while his principal attack may be
directed towards another point of the fortress. The methods of
engagement are as follows:

Opponents endeavor to push, pull, or carry each other across the guard
line. The defending players seek to force as many of the attacking
players in across the inside line as possible. Succeeding in this, such
players as have been drawn beyond the inside line are prisoners and
must take their place in the prison. The attacking party seeks to force
as many of the defenders beyond the outside line as possible.
Succeeding in this, all those so forced are placed in a small area,
which constitutes the prison of the attacking army. The captain should
seek to direct the strong against the strong as much as possible in
personal combat. The captains may exchange prisoners if they so desire.

The battle is won by either party making prisoners of all the
opponents, or it may be won by the besiegers, if one of their number
enters unattacked the prison within the fortress. Should the player
accomplish this, he shouts, "Hole's won," whereupon the defenders must
yield the fortress and the two armies change places, the defenders
becoming the attackers, and vice versa. If an old fence is used for one
side of the fortress, the other guard line should be drawn five feet
inside of the fence line.

The attacking captain may withdraw his forces at any time for rest or
consultation. Either captain may use a flag of truce for similar
purposes. Under such conditions they arrange for an exchange of
prisoners, etc.

Next: Forcing the City Gates

Previous: Push Cross Line

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