
Bed Soldiers
In A Child's Garden of Verses there is a poem called "The Lan...

Duck On A Rock
This game is also called "Boulder Up." It is not customary to...

The Sheep Dog
The old English bob-tailed sheep dog is a bouncing, rough-and...

Apple Seeds Charms
Apple seeds act as charms on Hallow-e'en. Stick one on each ...

The Plainest Toffee
3 oz. butter. 1 lb. brown sugar. Stir until done. ...

Canoe Tilting
This is a revival of the ancient game of tilting as described...

What Am I?
One of the players is sent out of the room. The rest decid...

One of the advantages of being in the country in spring is th...

Egg Smash

Source: School, Church, and Home Games

Several players of the group are blindfolded and take a kneeling
position upon the floor. Each is given a fake egg and is told to knock
it upon the floor to summon the good spirit. They do this very
carefully the first time, thinking they have an egg. The eggs are taken
away and the group waits to see if a spirit appears. As it does not
appear, the eggs are again handed to the players. This time they are
not so careful in hitting the eggs down upon the floor, their first
experience telling them they are fake. Again the eggs are taken from
them and the spirit waited for. Failing to appear the second time, the
eggs are returned to the blindfolded individuals for the third time,
but this time instead of fake, they are the real article, much to the
surprise and grief of those who break them vigorously upon the floor.

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