Earth Air Fire and Water
School, Church, and Home Games
Teams are arranged as in previous games. A member of team "A" is given
an object, which can be conveniently passed or tossed across the table.
The game starts by his passing the object to any member of the opposing
team. In passing the object, he says one of the four words: "Earth,
air, fire or water." If the word "earth" is used, he must name some
animal; if the word "air" is used, the one receiving the object must
name some bird; if the word "water" is used, he must name some fish,
and keep quiet if the word "fire" is used. If the word used requires an
answer, the one to whom the object is passed must give the name before
the one who has passed the object can count ten. Failing to do this,
one point is scored by team "A". The one on team "B" to whom the object
was passed, passes same back to any member of team "A" and says any of
the four words.
Note.--If the word "Air" is used, the opponent must name some bird,
such as robin, thrush, etc. If "water" is used, shad, salmon, etc. If
"earth" is used, lion, cow, etc.
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