Captain Kidd's Gold
School, Church, and Home Games
This is a good game in which all the members of a family may find
pleasure. It develops one's power of observation and memory. A small
coin is hidden somewhere about the yard or in the woods, wherever the
game may be played, by one of the players. All of the other players
must be either blindfolded or placed in a position where they cannot
see the player who is hiding the coin.
The player having hidden the coin returns to the group and describes
just how they are to find same. For illustration:--he gives the
following description of the course to follow. "Walk twenty paces in a
direct line towards the apple tree at the far end of the garden. There
you will find a small stone upon a larger one. Under the small stone
you will find an arrow scratched upon the larger one. Follow the
directions of this arrow fifteen paces. Then turn sharply to the left,
go ten paces, and underneath a stone will be found Captain Kidd's
Gold." The players may ask him to repeat the directions once. After
repeating, however, they must follow the direction without further
questioning. The one successful in finding the coin next hides the
This game can be made simple enough for small children to enjoy or
difficult enough to prove a problem for adults.
Bird Hunt
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