
This game is common to the West of England, and is called a "...

Allaround Athletic Championship
This contest was instituted in America in 1884 to give athlet...

Games For Convalescents
A good thing to do in bed when getting better from an illness...

Raisin Race
A raisin is strung in middle of thread a yard long, and two p...

What Will You Do For Your Country
The players are seated in a row or circle except the leader w...

A Good Fat Hen
A nonsensical game, useful in leading to forfeits. The compan...

Winnowing Corn
Steal out into barn or garden alone and go three times throug...

Misquoted Quotations.
Choose very familiar quotations from Longfellow, Shakespear...

Woodland Lovers The

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_5 to 30 or more players._

_House party._

Each player is given a paper on which the following is written or
dictated, the words in parentheses being omitted and a blank space
left. The game consists in each player filling in these blank spaces
with the name of some tree. The host or hostess at the end reads this
list of words in order, the player winning who has the largest number
correct. The same tree may be mentioned more than once.

He took her little hand in his own big (palm). "I love (yew),
dear," he said simply. She did not (sago) away, for it had been
a case of love at first sight. She murmured something in (aloe)
voice. They had met one day upon a sandy (beech), and from that
(date) onward, they cared not a (fig) for the outside world.
Her name was (May Ple). She was a charming girl. Rosy as a
(peach); (chestnut) colored hair; (tulips) like a (cherry);
skin a pale (olive). In fact, she was as beautiful (as pen) or
brush ever portrayed. The day he met her she wore a jacket of
handsome (fir). He was of Irish descent, his name being
(Willow) 'Flaherty. He was a (spruce) looking young fellow.
Together they made a congenial (pear). But when did the course
of true love ever run smooth? There was a third person to be
considered. This was (paw paw). Both felt that, counting (paw
paw) in, they might not be able to (orange) it. What if he
should refuse to (cedar)! Suppose he should (sago) to her
lover? And if he should be angry, to what point won't a
(mango)? Well, in that case she must submit, with a (cypress)
her lover in her arms for the last time, and (pine) away. But
happily her parent did not constitute (ebony) skeleton at their
feast. He was guilty of no tyranny to reduce their hopes to
(ashes). They found him in his garden busily (plantain). He was
chewing (gum). "Well," he said thoughtfully, in answer to the
question: "Since (yew) love her I must (cedar) to (yew). You
make a fine young (pear). Don't cut any (capers) after you're
married, young man! Don't (pine) and complain if he is
sometimes cross, young woman! I hope to see (upas) many happy
days together!"

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Previous: What Is My Thought Like?

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