The Mulberry Bush
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
The players join hands and go round and round in a ring, singing--
Here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush, the mulberry
Here we go round the mulberry bush
On a fine and frosty morning.
They then let go hands and sing--
This is the way we wash our clothes, wash our clothes, wash our
This is the way we wash our clothes
On a fine and frosty morning,
and as they sing they pretend to be washing. After the verse is done
they join hands again and dance round to the singing of the mulberry
bush chorus again, and so on after each verse. The other verses are--
(2) This is the way we iron our clothes.
(3) This is the way we wash our face.
(4) This is the way we comb our hair.
(5) This is the way we go to school (very sadly).
(6) This is the way we learn our book.
(7) This is the way we sew our seams.
And lastly and very gaily--
(8) This is the way we come from school,
and then the chorus comes again, and the game is done.
Looby Looby
Robin's Alive
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