
Water Polo
This game is played in a swimming pool. A white ball made of ...

The Mimic Club
This is a game which causes much amusement to a company of ch...

In running, as the swiftness of the motion steadies the body ...

Day And Night
The players are divided into two teams formed in two lines ab...

Court Tennis
This game, though very similar to rackets and squash, is more...

Shadow Buff
A splendid game, and one specially suitable for a large party...

Stoop Tag
("Squat" Tag) _4 to 60 or more players._ _Indoors; ou...

Swat To The Right
Any number of players may participate. Players form a circle,...

The Fox And The Tiger

Source: Games Without Music For Children

Directions.--The 'tiger' (a boy) hides in a 'forest,' which the
children make by standing at irregular intervals and representing trees.
Each child should name the tree it chooses, the following rhyme gives
the names of a few common trees:

Beech and chestnut, birch and oak
Are the names of English trees,
Elm and willow, poplar, ash,
Soon you will remember these.

[Illustration: FIG. 3.--FOX'S DEN]

The children should see leaves from each tree, and country children
should be shown the trees themselves with the leaves growing on them.
The 'den' of the 'fox' is at the edge of the 'forest,' and is made by
ten children standing as shown in fig. 3. The four children who form the
entrance join hands as shown, and the other six meet hands in centre. A
better way of making the den would be for each child to hold a branch of
a tree, then the branches would meet instead of the hands. The
children who stand for 'trees' in the 'forest' wave branches, if the
latter are obtainable; if not, the arms are waved for branches. One of
the bigger girls should be the 'fox,' and two or three of the smallest
children should be cubs, and go into the den with the fox. Then the fox
comes walking out of the den, and says:

I go to find a duck
For dinner this fine day,
And you, my pretty cubs,
Will stay at home and play.

While she is absent, the tiger comes softly into the den and takes one
of the cubs (leading the child away by the hand). Presently the fox
returns, goes into the den, misses the cub, and chases the tiger.

Next: The Coach Game

Previous: Asking For Drink Of Water

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