Spirits Move
Games And Play For School Morale
Group Games for Adults
A leader and his accomplice are required in this game. The one
illustrating the game leaves the room. His accomplice passes among the
players and stopping before one of the number and with hands
outstretched says, "Spirits Move." The leader from without replies "Let
them move." Again the accomplice passes among the number and steps in
front of another player, saying, as before, with hands outstretched,
"Spirits Move." Again the reply from his accomplice, "Let them move."
He proceeds in this manner until finally he takes his stand before
another one of the group saying "Spirits Move and Rest Upon." The
leader from without completes the sentence by adding the name of the
person over whose head the hands are extended.
The trick is simply this: The one over whose head the accomplice's
hands rest is the one who spoke last before the leader retired from the
Hands Over Head
Nose And Toe Tag
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