Line Ball
Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium
_10 to 60 or more players._
_Gas balls; bean bags._
For this game a line should be drawn on the floor across the front of
the schoolroom, a short distance in front of the blackboard. One
player from each row of seats takes his place toeing this line.
Another line is drawn at the front of each aisle even with the edge of
the front desks. The game consists in a tossing of the ball from the
leader on the forward line to different players, who take their places
in turn on the line at the head of the aisle. Each row of seats should
contain an even number of players, as the different lines compete with
each other.
The first players in the rows rise from their seats on a given signal,
toe the line at the head of their aisle, and catch the ball, which
should be tossed to them immediately by the leader who stands
opposite. This player quickly returns the ball to the leader by means
of another toss, and sits down at once. His sitting is a signal for
the player next behind him to run forward to the line, catch the ball
from the leader, toss it back to the leader, and reseat himself. This
continues until every player in the line has caught and returned the
ball, when the leader should return to his seat and hold the ball up
at arm's length, as a signal that his line has finished. The line wins
whose leader is the first to do this.
For a more advanced form of this game, see _Home Run_.
Line Club Bowls Double
Home Run
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