Hissing And Clapping
Games For All Occasions
As many chairs as there are players must be arranged down the middle of
the room. The girls then all sit down so that each has a vacant chair
next her, and the boys retire from the room. During their absence the
girls all decide which particular boy is to occupy the vacant chair next
her, and the boys are summoned in turn. On entering the room the boy
must walk straight to the chair next the girl whom he imagines to have
chosen him, and sit down. If he has guessed correctly he is loudly
clapped by all the girls present, and another boy is called in. But if
he makes a mistake, and sits down on the wrong chair, he is hissed so
vehemently that he is only too glad to escape from the room. Another
player is called in, and the process is repeated, until finally all the
boys have guessed correctly, and all the vacant chairs are occupied.
Hold Fast! Let Go!
He Can Do Little Who Can't Do This
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