Guilty Or Innocent?
Games For All Occasions
One of the company gets himself up to represent the old man of the
woods, the rest take the names of various animals, such as lion, tiger,
leopard and so on.
The players seat themselves round the room, and the old man standing in
the centre tells them that some of their number have committed a crime
and he is about to question them, in order that he may discover the
guilty ones. He then begins--"Now, Mr. Lion, where have you been
hunting, and what have you eaten to-day?" "I hunted in the forest and
caught an antelope." "Then you are twice guilty and must pay two
forfeits," says the old man; and the lion must pay his forfeit without
being told the crime he has committed. The old man passes on to a Polar
Bear. "Where did you hunt and what have you eaten?" he asks.--"I hunted
in the water and had a fine fish to eat." The Polar Bear is pronounced
innocent. The real game is that no animal may bring in the letter "o"
either in their hunting ground or the food they eat. "Forest" and
"Antelope" both have an "o" in them, so the lion has to pay two
forfeits whereas "Water" and "Fish" having no "o" the bear was declared
innocent. The great fun is for the old man to keep the secret of
"guilty" or "innocent" to himself; but even if the other players know
the secret, it is very difficult not to make a slip, as the answers must
be given promptly.
When the game is over the players must pay for their forfeits in any way
the old man decides.
Guessing Groceries
The Game Of Conversation
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