Gardening Diaries
What Shall We Do Now?: Five Hundred Games And Pastimes
It is a good thing for a gardener to keep a diary. At the beginning of
the book he would make a plan of the garden, to scale: that is to say,
allowing one inch, or more, in the plan for every foot of bed. In this
plan would be marked the position of the bulbs and perennial plants.
The diary would take note of everything that happened in the garden.
The sowing of seeds would be recorded; also when the seedlings first
appear; when they are thinned out, and when they blossom: in fact,
everything to do with the life of the plants. A little collection of
drawings of seedlings would be of great use in helping to distinguish
them another year. At the end of the book might be written the names
of any plants that the owner would like to have, or any special
information about the culture of a plant, or the description of some
arrangement which had been admired in another garden.
The Use Of Catalogues
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