Ducking Under
Games Without Music For Children
The children stand in rows facing each other, each child holding the
handkerchief of its opposite partner, and so helping to make a long
tunnel. As they stand thus the verse is repeated:--
Ducking under is the game,
Are you ready, children, all?
Hold your handkerchiefs quite fast,
Then run under when I call,
One, two, three.
a x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x c
b x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x d]
At 'three,' '=a=' and '=b=' run under, and stand at '=c=' and '=d='
respectively, extending handkerchiefs as quickly as possible, so that
the next couple may be able to pass under. The couple who stood next
'=a=' and '=b=' at the beginning follow, then the next couple, and so
on until the 'tunnel' has moved round the playground.
Who Will Go A-hunting
Dancing Game
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