Cross Questions And Crooked Answers
Games For All Occasions
To play this game it is best to sit in a circle, and until the end of
the game no one must speak above a whisper.
The first player whispers a question to his neighbor, such as: "Do you
like roses?"
This question now belongs to the second player, and he must remember it.
The second player answers: "Yes, they smell so sweetly," and this answer
belongs to the first player. The second player now asks his neighbor a
question, taking care to remember the answer, as it will belong to him.
Perhaps he has asked his neighbor, "Are you fond of potatoes?" And the
answer may have been, "Yes, when they are fried!"
So that the second player has now a question and an answer belonging to
him, which he must remember.
The game goes on until everyone has been asked a question and given an
answer, and each player must be sure and bear in mind that it is the
question he is asked, and the answer his neighbor gives, which belongs
to him.
At the end of the game each gives his question and answer aloud, in the
following manner.
"I was asked: 'Do you like roses?' and the answer was 'Yes, when they
are fried!'"
The next player says: "I was asked: 'Are you fond of potatoes?' and the
answer was: 'Yes, they are very pretty, but they don't wear well.'"
The Curate
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