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Guessing Dimensions
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Literary Lore
_5 to 30 or more players._ _House party._ Each player...

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_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ ...

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Oyster Shell

Source: Games For The Playground, Home, School And Gymnasium

_10 to 100 players._

_Playground; gymnasium._

Two parallel lines are drawn across the center of the playground, with
a space of ten feet between them, which is neutral territory. At a
considerable distance beyond each line, and parallel to it, a second
line is drawn, the space beyond being a refuge for any players of the
party belonging to that side. This second line should preferably be at
a considerable distance from the starting line, so as to give plenty
of opportunity for a good chase during the game.

The players are divided into two equal parties, which take place one
on either side of the neutral territory. Each party chooses a color,
light or dark, corresponding to the light or dark side of an oyster
shell or some other small object which is used in the game.

A neutral odd player who acts as leader takes his place in the center
of the neutral territory and tosses the oyster shell into the air. If
there be no such leader available, the parties may choose captains to
toss the shell alternately. The shell is allowed to fall on the
ground. If the light side falls upward, the light party must turn and
run for the goal at the opposite end of the ground, the other party
chasing them. Any one captured (tagged) must carry his captor back to
his home goal on his back. A party scores one point for each prisoner
caught. These may be easily counted, as the prisoners carry their
victors home pick-a-back. The party first scoring fifty or one hundred
points (according to the number of players) wins the game; or the
winners may be determined by the largest score when the game ends.

Because of the carrying home of the victors by the players who
are caught, it is advisable that some means be adopted to have
opponents of nearly equal size. This is easily done by having
the players line up according to size at the opening of the
game and assigned alternately to the different sides. In any
event, the tall players should be placed opposite each other,
and the smaller players _vis-a-vis_.

This game is from the ancient Greeks, and is said to have
arisen from a custom of exiling wrangling political opponents
by writing their names on an oyster shell and sending from the
city the one whose name fell uppermost when the shell was
tossed. Some modern adaptations are here given.

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