
This needs no explaining. It is nearly always good fun for a ...

The Chaffinch
The chaffinch has to re-learn his song every spring, and for ...

The players stand behind a line. Each in turn must cover the ...

The Slant Board
This should be seized with both hands, the feet being plac...

What Am I Doing?
The players seat themselves in a row and the leader of the ga...

A game which is good, quiet fun for a rainy day is Jack-stone...

Prisoner's Base
Two captains select sides. They then mark out on the ground t...

Ten Steps
_10 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; indoors._ Th...


Nuts To Crack
Pass pencils and paper to each guest with the following written upon it:-- 1 (A Dairy product.) 2 (A Vegetable.) 3 (A Country.) 4 (A Girl's name.) 5 (A structure.) 6 (A name often ...

"Christmas comes but once a year and when it comes it brings"--a whole lot of things. If there doesn't seem to be anything to be thankful for, there was a Christmas hundreds of years ago which gave us One who com...

Jolly St Nicholas
One child is chosen to represent Jolly St. Nicholas or Santa Claus and stands in the center of the room. The other children stand around in a circle while Santa Claus reads his rules of good behavior to them which ...

Christmas Stocking
Paint or draw on a sheet the picture of a fireplace. Tack this to the wall and after providing each child with a small stocking and pin, blindfold them in turn, telling them to hang up their stocking at the mantel....

Christmas Candles
Place on a low table a small Christmas tree, on which there is arranged lighted candles. Blindfold each child in turn, having them stand about one foot away with their back turned toward the tree. He is then told to...